
ENACT intends to harmonise and standardize the European and National frames related to the training and activities of the professional figures working for the energy efficiency of buildings as at the moment the legislative and technical frames of the European countries are very different and there is not a common frame to identify who is who and who does what in the energy efficiency sector.

ENACT builds on the results of various national and European initiatives to harmonise the professional figures involved in the energy efficiency of buildings sector, such as the BUILD-UP initiatives funded within the IEE (Intelligent Energy for Europe Programme managed by the EACI - Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation).

ENACT addresses the skills matching challenge in green sector of the emerging professional profile of the Energy Auditor.

In line with the various European directive on energy efficiency of buildings, ENACT aims at harmonizing and standardizing at national level the vocational and training needs of the various professional figures working in the energy efficiency of buildings sector, to define at an European level the competencies and training needs of a new professional figure “ENACT energy auditor”.

More specifically, the project intends to contribute to the definition and implementation of a common frame of the professional qualification and competence on an emerging dynamic segment of the green-job market: Energy Efficiency of Buildings. 


- Analysis of the existing training / qualification frame of energy auditors – analysis of the national / regional legislation for the transposition of the European Directive on energy performance of buildings, professional qualification system and relative compulsory training

- Comparative analysis – comparison of the various national frames and preparation of a matrix with the activities / sectors / knowledge / skills / competences of the various existing professional figure

- “ENACT Energy Auditors Competencies and Professional Profiles” – definition of the competences and profile of the proposed “ENACT Energy Auditor”

- Learning outcomes and program for the training of the “ENACT Energy Auditor” - definition of the ECVET (European Credit system for vocational education and training) and the learning resources and material of the proposed professional figure

- European and National validation of the professional figure of the “ENACT Energy Auditor” - as trained and qualified through the defined training and qualification process

- ICT system - design and creation of a system with modules and tools to validate and   implement the defined training and qualification process

- Events - organization of 9 multiplier events: two workshops in each country and a final European conference to disseminate the results achieved, to favor networking and promote dialogue between the main National actors of the “vocational training” and of the “energy efficiency of buildings” market and to create synergies with other ongoing National / European initiatives 
